Mr. Folchi, the man, the myth, the legend

Ok so after reading the post on the Catamounts called 'Streeter' it inspired me to write a post about one of the best substitute teachers at my old high school, Mr. Folchi.
Picture Mr. Garrison from southpark but much taller and skinnier, with a thick bostonian accent and a heavy lisp. This my friends is Mr. William Folchi.

Mr. Folchi was quite the simpleton with his leather briefcase, flannel shirts ( even in the summer) and mug. He always had a copy of the Boston Globe just to ' represent his roots".
He was always the teacher that kids wanted as a sub because he was so laid back.
Just having the pleasure of hearing him talk (which sounded just like a heavily lisped Napoleon Dynamite) and seeing him try to relate the kids who called them self 'gangstas' was a joy in itself.
A few years before my time at my highschool a few kids put up a website all about Mr. Folchi, so I have dug up the link for you to click around and enjoy.

_charlotte snowe


So as you all [hopefully] know, tonight is the night of the naked bike ride, and it should be an interesting one for the following reasons:
1. There is a HUGE winter storm coming thats supposed to dump oh about TEN WHOLE INCHES on vermont, these streakers are going to be freezing.
2. Fun Fact: Did you know that there is no law about public nudity in vermont, only an ordinance that you can not be naked in a public park.
3. They decided to put lights on the spectators so that it doesnt end up a mob scene, which we know that it probably will because there are so many people involved in the nbr.
4. Who in their right mind would do this without any legal/illegal substances in their system?

here's a preview :

Anyways it should be a good show, I can't wait to help run it, so look for me in the bright yellow tshirt tonight, you won't catch me running around naked in this weather!

_charlotte snowe

its the most EXPENSIVE time of the year

So I am really happy that its christmas, but this year it really seems to be taking a toll on my bank account.
I'm not saying that Im going all out this year, but the little things are really seeming to add up!
I did think that I did fairly good with my budget so far, thank god for having a work study!
Usually at home I make my christmas presents for friends and family:

I make jewelry ALOT, so much in fact that the staff at the local beads, silver and hippie store at home, called Harvest, know me by name. I usually end up getting beads from relatives for presents who then turn around and ask me to make them something from it, haha.( p.s i have a bunch of pieces i am selling that i've made too, let me know if youre interested! :) )

One of the best presents I've ever got was a fleece blanket from one my best friends. I have literally used it everyday since I got it for my 16th birthday, its sitting on my bed in my dorm right now. They are really super simple to make, all you have to do it cut two pieces of fleece ( each 2 yards each), then cut the edges into 3'' fringe, lay the 2 pieces on top of one another and tie them together and bam! instant warm fuzzy blanket.

Ive also made pillow cases, which may sound completely dorky and weird but think about it, they are really useful and you can make them out of lots of different patterns and colors. I made my closest friends some before we all left for school so that not they have a little piece of me with them.

One year I also made purses, yes purses. They werent cheapy one either. I decided to go out and buy a pattern, and sit down and sew em all together. They turned out really good!

And of course there is always the good old standby...FOOD!
who doesnt love food? especially home made!
I usually make ginger snaps, chex mix ( the real kind) , ginger bread men and these really tastey candy cane cookies (that are to die for).

So just in case you were stumped on what to do with a limited xmas budget, here are a crap load of ideas! just go to Joannes or Foodtv Network websites , and you would be amazed at what you can make!

_charlotte snowe

sleep re:eng 005

sleep finally 

i kinda finished my paper

but i wanna talk bout eng 005

its been a awesome class. ive never blogged before. never really knew what it was neither. haha
Professor parent is a good teacher and had me thinking about online literature like ive never viewed it like that before.
and plus he know anime and games thats awesome!!
id challenge him to a cod4 battle if i knew he played muahaha
papers are long but they are good
i like some the blogs 
nukorea and dokata was blah

awesome topics and class

Id wanna say thanks for everything so far :)

out to the homies o.o"

Getting to know ben "its me" 49,999,998

Thats right its true i needed something to blog so i asked my gf to blog something and ill respond to it.....

so yea we met in hs, i somehow knew her mom first and i get this affect on parents and they like me. (not to sound concieted) 
but yea i had a crush on her after awhile and well i said eff it and went for it in college best choice ever. :)
i like sports, even though i dont appear to have the atheletic body i am skilled in most sports and always up for a challenge

oh i was brought up in the Bronx NY.C
Ive seen my fair share of gangs/drugs/ and violence 
thats why i came to uvm to get away  

i like blue

i play games "armygen" Xbox live name

my background is hispanic so that means carribean latino 
in other words im Puerto Rican

I can dance salsa, merengue, and bachata its all fun!

kk leave a comment if you wanna know more :P 

how ben met his gf :)

 When Ben asked me to blog I was like what am I gonna write about (Im Ben's girlfriend by the way) but then I found something perfect to write about. Drum roll please....dadadadadadada BEN!!!  

I don't remember how I first met Ben but my mom knew him first because he used to go to the school meetings (only student there....nerd). Maybe it was in sophmore year of high school but who really cares. My mom loves him I mean LOVES him. It was so weird hearing her talk about him and how he would be a great guy for me to date. Back then I though " why the hell is my mom trying to hook me up with Ben?"  As the years went by I started to think about Ben as more than a friend. He got so much more handsome and taller. Did I mention that he's funny...well he is and he's smart. When prom time came around I wanted to ask him but couldn't cause this fat girl asked him first. (Sorry if im offening any fat people but I was distruat!!)
 When we finally came to vermont he opened up to me about how he felt all those years in high school after we danced in a club. I was happy to have someone who likes me and only me and for so long. My boyfriend is a COD4 loving, past football playing, skateboard/inline skate/ ice skating, crazy video watching freak and I love him.
 So here I am in Vermont dating a guy who is really awesome. Hope you guys enjoyed this and ladies and/or men...he's mine.

49,999,999 post to go O.O (o'shyt)

So, im blogging again after the previous one a sec ago

but like i want to talk about gaming
Heres a list of ALL the games i play
1. Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare
2. Maple Story. (GMS)

thats all er'thing else is ehh.

These  two are the best ive ever played there are no others compared not even the traditional Dungeons and Dragons (which they just came out with a new edition ^.^)
 ahem... besides that
COD4 the action and graphics are the best ive seen so far. especially playing online 
im actually pretty good playing online with a typical or usual 2:1-4:1 kill to death rate. Best gun is the 2nd shotgun  for me("ArmyGen" if you wanna add me on xbox live)

the next favorite game is Maplestory
yea looks like crap and a kids game but this game is addicting and even though its free u still end up spending money sometimes even more than a 3months sub to WOW
its pretty challenging and keeps you in. you just keep wanting more and lvl up. but unfortunaly i can not plAy anymore (vista! sucks)

yep gotta go to math will continue as another blog ^.^
