Vampire Weekend

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So today on my way to class I had my headphones in as usual and was jammin' out when I made a random connection.
Has anyone else walked on the cement path through U-Heights and seen the writing in chalk? At first I thought that it was a story or project done by an art or english major. It made me think. But then today as I was listening to my Ipod on shuffle while reviewing for Chem, the song "Campus" by Vampire Weekend came on. And the words that I had seen on the path were actually lyrics to that song.

I wake up
My shoulder's cold
I've got to leave here
Before I go
I pull my shirt on
Walk out the door
Drag my feet along the floor
Then I see you
You're walking cross the campus
Cruel professor
Studying romances
How am I supposed to pretend
I never want to see you again?

Hooray for others who have great taste in music! :]

- Charlotte Snowe


A Underwood said...

Ok so that is a pretty sweet song.

I think I like blogs that turn me onto something cool like this and pirate facebook.

Keep that in mind blogs who want my coveted vote.

Erik R. said...

Wow. I have seen that walking to classes everyday and I had no idea what they were going on about. I actually thought that some girl had a relationship with some professor and loved him and he didn't love her back because he was studying other peoples romances.

But a song is a much better explanation to this.

drrogers said...

Wow. That is amazing timing, for you to be listening to the song while you walked over the lyrics of it. I was turned off to Vampire Weekend for ever when I saw them on Saturday night live. I know that Saturday Night Live is not a good way to judge a band, but it was the first experience that I have ever had with Vampire Weekend, so never watch that Saturday Night Live.

Doug DeMaio said...

Ah yes! Hooray good music. Vampire weekend is nuts. And I did see them on SNL also. I thought they did pretty good though, despite the fact that it was on SNL and I usually have pretty low expectations for the bands on that show. But that is a very good song. As a matter of fact, my little brother told me over the summer that it was his favorite Vampire Weekend song. It's definitely up there as one of mine as well. Top 3. Keep it up, keep listening to good music. Support the arts. I'm out.
