I love my art history class, and I want to share with you what we're learning right now. It's actually a really boring subject, but what the hell! I have nothing else better to write about!! I'm thinking I want to major in art history, but I'm not sure. We'll see how it goes next semester! (I don't know what that has to do with anything I'm writing about....just a little side note I guess).
Right now, we're learning about Christian stuff: mainly churches, Christ sculptures and paintings, ect. It's boring, I know, compared to what we have been learning, (i.e. Greek and Roman sculptures and paintings) but at least it's still interesting.....I hope. Some of the things we have been looking at are:

San Vitale

Hagia Sophia

Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels
They're really sweet to look at, but Christian stuff doesn't really appeal to me, like Roman and Greek art did. Besides that, I think it's amazing how much Christianity influenced the European World. All of a sudden, art went from idealizing the male body, to worshipping God and Christ. All over churches, mosaics and reliefs were made to honor Christ and the people surrounding him. Leaders in the Holy Roman Empire represented themselves as ruling with Christ at their side, and wanted everyone to know of their divinity. Christianity completely enveloped the people of this era, and lead them to make great works of art and architecture. It's utterly breathtaking.
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