alice needs a babysitter...

ok so i just finished watching "Inanimate Alice", all 4 of them.
And it just seems to me like this girl needs a babysitter or a GPS chip in her parents. She's always losing them, because she's too busy playing her little game and falling in love with her invisible friend Brad. I know she's barely in middle school and probably has trouble making her own dinner in the microwave, but come on!
If I had to pick one that I liked the best it would probably be the one called "Russia", because you can play a game by catching (...or droppping ) the stackable russian dolls.
As you can tell, I wasn't too big of a fan of these stories.

-Charlotte Snowe


M. Haji Bigman said...

Haha. If she had a baby sitter then she would just lose her/fall in a well/forget she had one and go get lost searching for her "lost parents.

Overall, I didn't mind the stories. I think that it was this childlike stupidity that made her a realistic character. I did appreciate the lack of it in the first story, which was a pretty good story in itself.
