Flavor of the Week: Vermont

So tonight I heard my roomates talking about tasting vermont. Turns out that the Simspon Dining Hall which is conviently located across the lawn from my dorm. So we ventured down, and I am SO glad that we did.
We walked through the door ( where jesse was swiping ID cards like a mad man) to see little carts of various vermont goodies all over the dining hall.

I made a bee line straight for the cider ( i love cider, i seriously think i could drink it all day every day).

I then moved on to the Cabot Cheese table, lets just face it ( other than vegans and those poor unfortunate lactose intolerant folks) who doesn't like cheese?!? There was everything from cheddar to pepper jack.

Then I ( after getting ANOTHER cup of cider) ventured into the dining food line, there was meat pie (YUCK, not my fav), Ham and cheddar grilled cheese ( meh..) and then the grand daddy of them all... butternut squash, maple smoked turkey, zucchini and summer squash, and stuffed tomatoes. Let's just say I think that I just inhaled the best dinner at the dining hall. EVER.

And just to add the best dinner of my life at UVM thus far, there was dessert. There was gingerbread spice cake drizzled with maple syrup and whipped cream, baked whole apples filled with brown sugar and rasins, and some cakey thing. However, I was super psyched to see the mini containers of Ben & Jerry's ice cream ( of course I gnabbed two for my dorm!)

There was even a smoothie making bike contraption that made chocolate banana and vanilla banana soy smoothies. I have decided that I want to add one onto the back of my bike, I mean think about it. Who wouldn't want one? You could bike to your place of interest and when you got there, BAM! a nice fresh smoothie that you could suck down! NICE!

_charlotte snowe


Tess said...

That sounds like a great meal! I forget where but I saw that smoothie bike thing too. The sample of the smoothie I had tasted very good, and I didn't even have to be the one to peddle the bike! Lol now I'm craving for a smoothie.

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed some Cabot cheese and Ben & Jerry's (my two favorite dairy products)!

Did you know that all cheddar cheese is lactose-free? Most other hard cheeses are, too. :)

I'm going to have to tell my biking friends about that smoothie-maker; that's so cool!

Erik R. said...

Agreed, this was definitely one of the best meals I have had at Simpson. I ate a ton and had about a gallon of cider. I was just disappointed they didn't they didn't have hot mulled cider. But the desserts were amazing and the cheese was excellent.
