Hey Sarah Palin......

So this is for all you anti-sarah palin fans...
(horribly sung by two random americans...but doesn't that just make it better?)
haha, anyways if you know the song "Hey there Delilah" by The Plain White T's it's sung to the same tune.
I am happy to say I watched this and had tears streaming down my face.

Oh and they also did one to "Bubbly" by Colbie Callait....

_charlotte snowe


Doug DeMaio said...

HAHAHA... I showed these to my family when I went home this weekend. They loved them. In fact... I had the "Hey Sarah Palin" one stuck in my head for hours. And it prompted my brother to tell me a joke about her that I really couldn't even get away with posting in a comment... I thought it was hilarious, but that's just because I can handle crude jokes pretty well. I also have to say that my brother did not come up with the joke, and he did preface it by telling me that it was pretty offensive. He's not just the type of person who goes around throwing out dirty jokes... I felt bad that I may have given you people that impression of him... Alright... Peace out.

Melissa Partington said...

I was on youtube and saw they made another one that was more pro Obama, than anti Palin. I liked that one better, I always feel bad for the person getting bashed like that, even if I can't stand their politics or anything.

Unknown said...

These are pretty hilarious. They can't sing for shit but the focus is on the lyrics so i could really care less. As funny as they are, word to what mellisa said, if you can be positive do so. But if you have to be negative, it doesnt hurt to make it funny too
