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I told myself that when I got my first work study paycheck that I would put it toward something fun. I have been wanting a tattoo for a really long time ( for the last 3 years), so I began sketching it out over the last month. I knew that I wanted a monarch butterfly and my sister's name around it.
So this weekend I was walking around town with some fellow parentless UVMers, when one of my friends mentioned that she wanted to get her tattoo touched up. So I told her about this great place that I had been checking out. She asked me if I wanted to go with her and get mine done while hers was touched up. I jumped at the chance! It was sort of a spur of the moment decision, but I couldn't wait.
So there I was in the lobby waiting anxiously with my two floormates. I was so nervous but excited after having watched Inked, Miami Ink and LA Ink religiously over the summer. My tattoo artist came out sketch in hand, it looked amazing!
I sat down in the chair and could hear the buzzing of the needle. Then I felt the needle against my skin, and at first, ill admit, it felt like someone was dragging an Exacto knife across my shoulder. But then after a while i got used to the odd feeling of the pulsating needle and it felt sort of relaxing in a sense.
Any ways, I am really glad that I got it. It means alot to me, because it symbolizes my sister who passed away when I was 11. My family and I remember her by a monarch butterfly, because thats the animal we saw the day she passed. And the funny thing is that everyday I have been up at UVM, I see one whenever I am walking to class.

- Charlotte Snowe


AKH said...

Your tattoo looks great, and speaking from one girl with a tattoo to another - I love it! Mine is on the back of my right shoulder-it's an 'A' with a lily next to it.

My tattoo was a graduation present to myself. All throughout high school, I had issues with doing things for other people, or doings things based on others expectations. That started to change the second half of my junior year and into my senior year. I decided to get the tattoo because it was something that I wanted to do. The design is my own, but my artist tweaked it a bit for me. Now every time I look at it, I'm reminded that I need to do what I want to do, no matter what.

Did parts of your tattoo really hurt on your shoulder? I had some sensitive spots...

aujwat6 said...

Awesome tattoo! I also have a tattoo on my left shoulder of a navy blue peace sign. Both my brother and I have the same one, but his is a lot bigger.

A Underwood said...

I could never get a tattoo because I am so indecisive. I would probably get something that I think is cool at the moment and it would actually be really terrible. Then I would wind up on one of those sites that post terrible tattoos for everyone to laugh at.

But anyway the monarch symbolism is sweet

Unknown said...

I like your tatt! For more on tattoos and Miami Ink, check out my blog: www.victoriasrighthip.typepad.com/
