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So, today I decided to do my laundry after a long week without jeans. I figured that I would do my laundry after my German class, which ended at 9:15, and thought that everyone would be sleeping, and I wouldn't have a problem putting my laundry in the washer. Anyway, I get all of my stuff ready, clothes/Tide/UVM card, and walk down to the laundry room. As I'm nearing the room, I see two people walking in with HUGE piles of laundry. ARE YOU SERIOUS!? I finally enter the laundry room and see that both of the washers are already taken up. Great! If that wasn't enough, I had to wait for two other people. This just isn't my day! So after I swear a couple of times in my head, I begin thinking, why isn't there more than two washers and two dryers in this place? The people who designed this place must know that there are more than ten people living here! (Note: I live on Trinity campus) I mean, why can't McCann be like Redstone where they have at least 10 washers and dryers in one room? 

So I was wondering, are there other people having this problem? I feel like every time I go into the laundry room, it's a huge hassle and a long wait just to do two loads of laundry. And another thing, why does the dryer take an hour to dry your clothes? I feel like I have never waited that long for my clothes to dry before. And even then when the hour is up, some of my clothes are still damp! Maybe I need to pay extra for another cycle, but I don't want to do that! Who wants to pay extra and wait an extra hour for your clothes to dry? I know I don't!


bLOWFISH said...

Haha i have definitely had your problem already =\ I live in living and learning so we have suites full of people waiting to use the 2 washers and 2 dryers in each building. every tuesday i try and get laundry done since i don't have a class till 2, and so far I have gone around 8 am, 10 am, and around noon trying to get clothes in, none of which were successful... but when i did go around 9.30 one week i got both machines! lucky me, because when I left the laundry room to go back up to my room and wait, 2 guys came in with huge laundry hampers and i was all like.. nope, sorry!
& I think that if you change the setting if you want to do a shorter time, however I like the long one because it leaves my clothes nice and warm when i bring them up ! now who doesn't like that?

Erik R. said...

I have found that the times people do thier laundry are really, really unpredictable. Like I tried to go on a Tuesday and nothing was open, but I went on a Sunday and there were a bunch of machines open. As for the drying of clothes, it doesnt take an hour, more like half an hour, at least on our machines. I always just go down and take them out because they are dry by then anyway.
