Parent's Weekend

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As you all know, Parent's Week is this week, and let me just say, I am soo excited! Even though I saw my parents the second week we were here, I still really want to see them! And besides, they're bringing me up my favorite Peanut Butter Pie as a treat. I can't wait!

Another thing I can't wait for is actually spending time with them, going out to dinner with their money (even though my CatScratch is their money, I still feel like I'm spending mine), and having them buy me more supplies that I have already ran out of. Above all, I can't wait to receive a mom and dad hug! I have been waiting for one of those since I last saw them, and I can't wait any longer!
Speaking of parents, another thing I can't wait for is Thanksgiving. I can't wait until I walk into my house, go downstairs, and jump on my bed. I miss my bed so much! It's soooo much more comfortable then my bed here. It's also a lot better to sleep on because I don't toss and turn every hour to get in a comfortable position. And I also don't wake up every night sweaty and have to shove my covers off of me. Most importantly, it's in a room where there's not two other people sharing it with me. And of course, I can't wait to stuff my face with turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes and then fall asleep. I can already tell it's going to be a great Thanksgiving.

