
Craziest was defintely one of the weirdest things that I have ever seen. Never have I ever seen someone so passionate about Scrabble. I mean I enjoy playing the game, but to her the game was her life (atleast it seemed like it).
I have been to my fair share of Nursing Homes,and trust me they aren't that obsessed with Bingo as that woman was with scrabble.
Her obsession was way over the border unhealthy. I know the story was fiction, but I was thinking about it after class, that somewhere out there someone that is on the National Scrabble Team is probably counting out words and studying every version of the dictionary known to man for words that no one else even knew existed.
Here's a clip of a scrabble game that my friend played up in maine:
i dont know if it works, but its basically them making up senseless words and obsessing over the david blaine impersonator that i find to be hilarious.

david blaine's street magic spoof
_charlotte snowe


Kaleb said...
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Kaleb said...

It just so happens that I love this video. My friend Chris showed it to me about two months ago. It is hilarious every time I watch it.

"What else is orange?"
"I don't know? Cheez-Its?"

HAHAHA! So funny! You should go to my blog and watch the YouTube video on the post called "a great fall." Skip the first two minutes and thirty seconds, though. That makes it better.

Anyway, good post. Craziest certainly was (craziest, that is)

aujwat6 said...

I love that video!! Hahaha it's soooo hilarious! I also thought Craziest was the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Why was she so crazy about Scrabble? I thought that was really bizarre, but hey, I guess everyone has to be passionate about something. Why not Scrabble?

Chelsea Abplanalp said...

i love that video. its one of my favorites from youtube. the second one is funnier though, but this one is still awesome.
