Gross Potatoes

Two years ago, when I first joined the wonderful world of YouTube, I decided to look up anything and everything I could to see what kinds of things people were uploading. Silly me decided to look up nasty and disgusting things, thinking I'd find some pretty weird stuff, and unfortunately, I did. 

I thought to myself, what's nasty and gross and something someone could possibly make a video out of? Popping zits of course!! So, I typed in zits in the little search box, and guess what!? I got hundreds of videos of people popping zits. Gross potatoes! I went down the list and begin watching every one (don't ask me why I did this! I was very stupid two years ago) to the end. The first few I watched were pretty gross, but weren't REALLY gross. Then, all of a sudden, the heavens opened up and told me to click on this one particular video entitled "most disgusting zit ever." And I did.

My reaction:............................................................ Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!! This is the nastiest thing I have ever seen in my entire life!!! I am scarred for life! Ew Ew ew ew ew ew ew!!!!!!! Honestly, watching that video was the worst experience of my life....well until something else (which will not be mentioned). I almost puked because it was soooo horrible! Ahhhhh! Who would put something like this on YouTube? Who would even film it in the first place!? Some people.....I don't know... I couldn't believe my eyes. 

Let's just say I am never looking up anything disgusting and nasty ever again on YouTube. I've learned my lesson! (Note: I didn't include the video on my blog because you really shouldn't watch it. Now that I've talked about it, you will inevitably go and try to find it.....please don't hahaha. It's really gross and you will regret your decision).

