Exclamation Points

For this blog, I am going to go for the B.P. approach (I don't want to say his full name and have him end up reading this blog because of Goggle Alert) and write about something useless that you guys probably don't want to know about: the exclamation point.

I've noticed that in all of my blogs, I use exclamation points to the maximum. I wanted to know if that meant something about my character or my writing style, so I goggle searched it and found nothing on the topic. I did, however, find other things that I thought were interesting (brace yourself).

As you all hopefully know, the exclamation point is a punctuation mark that emphasizes loudness and excitement. It was first introduced into English printing in the 14oo's, and was first seen in Germany in the Luther Bible. The exclamation point wasn't even a key on the typewriter until the 1970's, but was nonetheless made somehow. You should only use exclamation points every once in awhile, and you should never use them in business writing. You also should never use more than one exclamation point at the end of the sentence, only in informal writing like text messaging. 

Well, I guess I should stop using exclamation points all together. From the looks of it, I've broken all of those rules, and I guess that's not a good thing. But I think it's hilarious that I use exclamation points after every sentence, sometimes adding more for emphasis, and even though this isn't a formal business thing, I use them. Hahahaha....This is great.

Also, during my search of exclamation points, I found this website where I can download a program that eliminates my extra exclamation points. Whohoo. I guess this person doesn't like when people use an excessive amount of them, so he made this program to eliminate the problem once and for all. Maybe I should download it, huh? Nahhh, I like using exclamation points too much.

(Note: Did u notice I didn't use a single exclamation point? Yes, I'm getting better.) 


Doug DeMaio said...

How do you feel about the interrobang? the wonderful hybrid question mark/exclamation point. I think it's beautiful. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interrobang
if it's so easy to add a key to the keyboard... we need to petition for that one.
