Rock Band
I went down to Randolph this weekend to see a couple of my friends and to pretty much hangout. I always look forward to going down there because I get to play ROCKBAND!

I absolutely love that game to death! It's the best game in the world (okay probably not the best but anyway.....)! It's sooo addicting, and so entertaining. I love it! I would marry it if I could. Ehhh....on second thought, maybe not....
I had just started playing Rockband a couple of months ago, and I immediately fell in love with it. Hitting all of the notes and moving up in experience made me feel wonderful and good inside. It made me feel like I would be a great guitar player if I had learned how to play a long time ago. I know Rockband probably doesn't make you a better guitar player, but I can wish can't I? Just this weekend, my friend and I started a tour and made our own characters. I wish we had started this earlier!! We were gaining fans and money and we had already gotten a van to drive around in. It made me feel really special that people actually liked my playing hahahaha It was such a blast!!
I was so disappointed when we had to leave to make our way back up to Burlington. I just wanted to stay and play Rockband all day!! And I probably would have too! The funny thing is is that I could have stayed down in Randolph because the roads were so bad. We shouldn't have even been on the roads, but we HAD to get back! God, we should have just stayed there. It would have been a better experience.
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I really am not a fan of RockBand or Guitar Hero. I play them now and again if I am with friends who are playing, because I don't hate them, but I am just really not that big a fan of them.
Something about not being good at either really helps. I can barely beat a son on Expert. After 800 tries and a million practice sessions. I can do alright on Hard, but when they start throwing in the damned 3-note chords I get all confused.
Anyway, I guess it's alright but I really don't like that I am no longer improving at it so I cannot love this game. Love is reserved for things you pwn at.
Personally I prefer Guitar Hero, I am really bad at it, and I have one friend who sits there and points out how bad I am. Yet, I am sure if I play it enough I will get really good, beat my friend at it, and be satisfied with the world of video games.
rock band<3 guitar hero is lame, who wants to play the guitar when you can play the drums? i definitely spent more hours of thanksgiving break than necessary playing rock band at home, and can't wait for christmas break because i know my sister got rock band 2 for christmas (we are not gamers, we are still on ps2 and even though its been out for months on other systems it is just now coming out for ours).
i can see it now, after about a week and a half of break ill get bored of my friends from home and resort to playing rock band until college starts again.
i definitely won't ever be on expert level as kaleb thinks you have to be in order to love the game, i'm just not THAT coordinated
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